152 words What Most Remote Companies Don’t Tell You About Remote Work 174 words I am reverse-designing the top web & mobile apps, and turning it into UI guidelines 122 words StackOverflow is super toxic for newer developers 10 words How to Fix Web's Bloat and Readability Problem 118 words What banner effect is this on this dev website? 820 words I feel like I've been lied to about this industry 108 words Why we don't hire girls! 227 words Do you ever get annoyed by people who sell themselves as 'website developers' charging a lot of money when they only use Wordpress, Wix, Weebly, or SquareSpace? 674 words I feel like I'm in over my head 438 words How does HTML, CSS, Javascript, mysql, and php all live together in a text doccument? 316 words Best way to build a 2 sided marketplace? 168 words Genuinely curious: How can Github charge $7/month for private repos when Bitbucket hosts them for free? 234 words MailChimp v. FreshMail 187 words My work is slowly driving me insane and I don't sure what to do 227 words Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks shows the different logical ways to group CSS properties 228 words I've lost three of my latest contracts because I'm "too expensive", even though my competition charges more. What am I doing wrong? 353 words Trying to decide on going full SPA, or a mix of server rendering and VueJS 172 words A list of project ideas as provided by /r/webdev users 239 words Jumping too early from vanilla PHP to Lavarel? 233 words Starting a new job and working with ASP .NET