242 words What sorts of front end web dev projects will companies like? 320 words Is this enough to be a freelancer front-end dev? 125 words Is this a red flag or normal? No in person interview this is all done yourself 213 words Developers who informed their manager ahead of time they were looking for another job ... what happened? How did it go? 133 words How to do this kind of an animation? 132 words Case study: AMP pages on Ecency? 169 words How to stop fraudulent credit card transactoins 132 words How on earth can junior web devs stay not depressed, when the requirements for almost all junior web dev positions are mid level?? 124 words How to check if a key (on the keyboard) is being held down? 126 words How common are PHP frameworks, such as Laravel and Symfony in the "real world"? What about other technologies, like Node? 191 words How is polling not superior to push for messaging? 151 words Just got off the phone with a company who said most of my job will be styling applications through their proprietary software built in Excel. Sounds like it could be a total nightmare. Anyone have any experience or insight into what that means? 307 words How to deal with a senior developer doesn't take disagreement lightly 212 words Had a potential client gawk at me when I said it would take 2-3 months minimum for his project 142 words I want to quit my job 123 words DAE feel like the web and other technologies are just so complicated and overwhelming these days? 164 words Why founder of FreeCodeCamp Quincy Larson is banned from this subreddit? 215 words advice about relational and non-relational DB's together 543 words 5 Things I’m realizing as a junior developer that I didn’t know before 106 words [Showoff Saturday] Just Play The Song - An app that allows you to learn songs easily in short practice sessions. Would love your feedback (more details in comments)