141 words What is it like being a web dev outside the West? 210 words LPT for jobseekers applying to front end positions 207 words Possible career change (Programmer Analyst to Web Developer)? 169 words Planning on learning webdev? (Most popular back end stack) 122 words Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS. 114 words Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS. 162 words Why I'm still using jQuery in 2019 153 words Do businesses even consider web developers anymore? 152 words Feeling discouraged about learning web development at a late age. 145 words Hack reactor grads, how has your job search gone? 105 words Struggling with time needed to make a decent portfolio. Career advice please! 123 words Beginner Questions - February 22, 2019 159 words REST API no longer suits modern SPA. What are the alternatives? 113 words How To Learn CSS 125 words Have I "discovered" a glaringly obvious security risk in my company's new enterprise application? 105 words Microsoft is building a Chromium-powered web browser that will replace Edge on Windows 10 128 words How many years of experience is equivalent to a bachelor's degree? 548 words Feeling like an idiot while learning 143 words Will web developers only ever appreciate how much effort web developers put in 189 words I just launched my Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL course