202 words The Future of Joke Posts on WWW: Discussion and Poll 255 words Historical fight: Miyamoto Mushashi vs Richard the Lionheart 392 words Your favorite character runs a less standard attacks gauntlet. 184 words Is there any human alive who could beat a gorilla in these conditions? 236 words A teenaged girl with brass knuckles versus a boy of the same age in a fistfight 247 words Every non-human animal on Earth is now trying to wipe humanity out. Is there any way we can survive? 201 words [Serious] You vs. Batman 266 words Ultimate battle royale... 357 words Skynet joins the CIS Alliance. Does the outcome of the Clone wars change? 690 words Reinhard van Astrea(Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs archer(fate stay night) 452 words Ozymandias (Movie Version) Vs. CW Oliver Queen 218 words You're at work/school. Suddenly, you see a small box beside everyone, including you. Opening it, you retrieve a Lightsaber with trembling hands. The red plasma blade spring to life, illuminating the tag tied to the hilt: "Kill them all." 223 words Talion (ME: Shadow of Mordor) replaces every protagonist in the Assassin's Creed series, how well does he do? 708 words [Bloodmatch] Tracer (OW) <VS> Cap (MCU) 200 words Liam Neeson's daughter has been kidnapped... again... and Neeson will have to hunt down his greatest challenge yet: Carmen Sandiego. Can he do it? 351 words What are the Top 10 Militarily Powerful Countries in the World? 326 words Character Scramble Season VII: ScrambleWorld Sign ups! 222 words Phoenix Wright, Maya, and Dick Gumshoe vs Natsu and the Dragon Slayers 193 words Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, and Starcraft all team up together. Who is the weakest character that can solo a combined effort from the alliance of these universes. 205 words The One Above All (Marvel) VS The Overmonitor (DC) VS The Creator (Unimeko) VS Azathoth (Lovecraft) VS Azathoth (Demonbane) VS Eru Illuvatar (The Lord of The Rings) VS Gan (The Dark Tower)