Ultimate battle royale...

Yeah okay. Sanic starts running at infinite speed and he kills GODman. But Saitama one punches Sanic and Sanic dies yet still keeps running. Santa then puts Shadow the Edgehog on the naughty list obviously and starts throwing infinite coal at him. Shadow kills Santa with the power of darkness which darkens the entire omniverse. Superman has no limits here so he can gain infinite strength but Chuck Norris is strength himself so he kicks Superman with a roundhouse kick that destroyed the omniverse. Batgod obviously prepped for this. He infiltrates the Illuminati and beats everyone by knowing their weaknesses. The Doctor survived the destruction using plot armor and the TARDIS but no amount of plot armor can save him from a bloodlusted Harambe screeching and ripping off his dick. Bruce Lee then beats up Chuck Norris like he did in The Way of the Dragon. Saitama once again one punches Bruce Lee. Shrek then fucks Arm Fall Off Boy's butthole with his own arm and he dies. Shrek also fucks Shadow to death before getting one punched by Saitama. Squirrel Girl tries to kill the author but Mr. Popo is the author and he's just controlling the whole thing so he bitchslaps Squirrel Girl and she dies. So then Magikarp gets pissed off that he creates the biggest splash which kills Popo, Batgod, Saitama, Squirrel Girl, Harambe, and Bruce Lee and it becomes the very concept of OP and it destroys the hyperverse, the outerverse, reality, and even himself. Only Yamcha survives. Magikarp becomes the strongest being to ever exist but Yamcha remains the winner.

/r/whowouldwin Thread