16/50 LEDs are bad?? Was going to either remove the one that was causing the black screen, or replace them all. I thought the back light shut down after one LED went out...is it possible to have 16 out, or am just messing up?

alright, i'm not sure if i was post blocked, can't figure out why i'm not able to make a new post. BUT i finally fixed the backlights! After the first repair burning out almost right away, the second strip stayed, then i put the LED refractory panel in backwards, took it all apart again, flipped it, and we are good to go! Except now i have the (apparently) common problem with the vertical lines due to the ribbons.

I cleaned them with rubbing alcohol, they are definitely in straight, and i've replaced the t-con board with the one from the first TV, all to no avail. Unfortunately i left the ribbons from the first TV connected to the screen i broke, which was taken away with the trash yesterday...there is a slight bend in the ribbon on the right side, but the issue and lines are on the left. Any ideas?

/r/TVRepair Thread Link - i.redd.it