#160 Everything is Meaningless: The Book of Ecclesiastes

Yuck. I often enjoy this podcast, but sometimes they are so shallow. The part about compersion was just embarrassing. I would expect a philosopher to be more capable of discussing things in the abstract. My partner enjoys X. You can question if them enjoying X would inherently be damaging to the relationship. Most people want their partners to be happy and do things they enjoy. It’s hard to argue that it wouldn’t be better if they can enjoy X without you experiencing negative emotional states. Of course you can doubt if it’s possible or feasible for people to cultivate this mental state to a sufficient degree to successfully navigate such a relationship.

But what we get is

haha, I sHoUlD bE HaPpY mY NeIgHbOr Is BaNgInG mY WiFe. Lulz

If you don’t have any interesting thoughts, why record a segment on it?

/r/VeryBadWizards Thread Link - verybadwizards.fireside.fm