1mg Klonopin before tripping

This is late but in my experience I’ve taken Xanax and etizoalm before acid Trips multiple times before and it didn’t NOT always “kill” the visuals or headspace completely, I’ve taken 4 tabs with 1mg all the way up to 6mgs Xan. it was great for anxiety and focusing on the intense visuals It just keeps things the trip under control. I guess a higher dose of benzos would kill the trip for someone with no benzos tolerance. But I also feel like some people haven’t even tried them they just assume how the experience would go. I used to be addicted Xanax (I had a high ass tolerance to benzos in general) so maybe that why I was able to still trip on even just half a tab. It made the trip feel “functional” and took away any fear I had.

/r/Acid Thread