This is ridiculous

I think deep in my head that COD 2019 wasn't MW4 at all, But still had its own MW roots and few characters from the franchise returning, but since the MW4 hype is so huge atm, they decide it within a month or 2 before the teaser/trailer to change the tittle, menu theme, some other features from cod 2019 into MW4 name and its being delayed atm. All because they realized what fans really want and they obviously dont really care, but they just know it will get them huge profit. Even when Robert.B was trying to step away from Activision and make the 2009 Game called just Modern Warfare 2, without Cod trademark, they still had to put the tittle Call of Duty to keep them in the "zone". Robert decided to quit with most of the team as they didint let him expand his ideas for the future tittles then we ended up with MW3 aka MW2.5 aka v2 which was still amazing for me as I didint want any "future changes atm, but I think recent hints from Robert recently is just him being annoyed that they changed the name to "Modern Warfare" tittle ASAP, as Activision knew, the new 2019 title wont make any success and could end up just as Infinite Warfare did...

All of that is just my thoughts being the most realistic at the moment. Another thing, even when we saw IW looking for different kind of employees for new COD 2019 gives us few hints that they wanted to change something ASAP since a while and they needed extra staff to get things done quickly to make Activation happy because since Robert left, there is not really much control over IW. When the game is already in development and they are keep advertising jobs available just few weeks before the reveal, it sounds a bit funny... When MW2 was teased at GDC, there was no jobs available/ shared online as it was all covered ages ago and just ready to upload to YT/ gaming community to make the real fans hyped.

Now all "Cod youtubers" / Game insiders are being quite and invited late to US just to see COD mobile ? Nonsense. Dont get me wrong I need MW4 asap as Im hoping to save my FPS roots since fist gen of Xbox 360, but I think Im too old now to be disappointed with another title, and then expect Black ops 5 to be "modern" and focus on the mature community rather then 13 year olds willing to beg their mums for cod points just like GTA being atm with all shark cards.

/r/mw4 Thread