[2015-05-20] Challenge #215 [Intermediate] Validating sorting networks

First submission. Python 3.(3)?

Started learning python this week, advice is appreciated.

Previously I've only ever worked with scheme because of a cs course I took at my university

Loaded with comments because I worked this challenge as if I was going to submit it for marks

#Datatype definitions, imports:

#Def: A wire_sys is a dictionary of the form
#{(wire number):(wire valure (0 or 1))}

#ex: {'0':0, '1':0, '2',1}

#a wire_sys is sorted if the values decrease as keys increase (or is empty)

import itertools

# Helper Functions:

#Int -> [str1,str2...]

#generates a list where each item is a string containing a binary combination. (such as '0101')
#generates all combinations of length k^2

#ex Binseq(2**(0.5)) -> ["00", "01" "10" "11"]

def binseq(k):
    return [''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(["0","1"], repeat=(k**2))]

#[str1, str2... strN] -> [[Int1],[Int2],...[IntN]]

#Takes a list of strings and returns a list of each string's digits

#(ex ['1000', '1001] -> [[1,0,0,0], [1,0,0,1]])

def break_string_to_digits(list_str_num):
    list_of_ints= []
    for item in list_str_num:
        digits = []
        for char in item:
       return list_of_ints

#Int, Int -> Int, Int

#compares two values, if the value on the "upper" wire is
#less than then the "lower" wire, the valuers swap. otherwise they do not move
#in short, move 1's up and 0's down

#ex. comparitor (0,1) -> (1,0)
#    comparitor (1,0) -> (1,0)

def comparitor(upper,lower):
    if upper < lower:
        return (upper,lower)
        return (lower, upper)

# is_sorted(wire_sys)
# Wire_sys -> Boolean

#checks if a wire_sys is sorted by searching
#for the first zero, then checking if there are any ones after it

# ex. is_sorted {'0':0, '1':0, '2',1} -> False

def is_sorted(wire_sys):
    for i in wire_sys:
        if wire_sys[i] == 0:
            for j in range(i, len(wire_sys)):
                if wire_sys[j] == 1:
                    return False
                return True
        return True

def sort(lo_connections, lo_lo_ints):
    #build wire_sys
    for permute in lo_lo_ints:       # for each permutatin
        wire_sys = {}                # reset index and wire system
        i = 0
        for number in permute:       # for each number in a given permutation
            wire_sys[i] = number     # assign ith number key "i"
            i += 1                   # increase index
    #compare pair of wires at each connection
        for connection in lo_connections:
          wire_sys[connection[0]], wire_sys[connection[1]] = comparitor(wire_sys[connection[0]], wire_sys[connection[1]]) #compare values at connectors and swap values if upper wire is lower then the lower wire
            if is_sorted(wire_sys): #determine if the wire system is sorted
                print("Not verified")
        print ("verified")

#Main Function:

def verify(num_wires, lo_connections):
    lo_lo_ints = binseq(num_wires)
    sort(lo_connections, lo_lo_ints)
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