Something needs to be done about anti-maskers on busses.

The issue with the 'no excuse' mantra on masks is that it impacts people like my elderly mother. She has Alzheimer's so wearing a mask is very difficult for her to do, she will often pull it off or get frustrated at not being able to see all of my face.

However thanks to our struct mask mandate I can't get my mother Vaxed, because i can't take her out anywhere due to her condition, and the last thing I need is having to get between her and some angry person yelling or tying to hurt her if she pulls her mask down.

I'm scared for her safety honestly.

So yea some people are being arseholes about masks (there will always be assholes), but remember that there are people like my mom who are getting left behind and living with the fear of someone taking things too far in anger and fear.

/r/halifax Thread