A 2100 rated puzzle I encountered today, can someone help me make sense of this?

After Bxf6 by white, the first thing you have to realize is that Bxf3 is not good for black, because Bxd8 Bxd1 Bxc7 and white just stole a pawn for free.

So gxf6 is forced. After Nxd4 by white, Bxd1 is completely forced (any other move just loses a piece). Nc6 then traps black's queen (all "safe" squares are forkable), so black doesn't move the queen since it's lost anyway. Black also can't save his bishop:

If Bg4 or Bh5: Nxd8 Rxd8, Nf6+ will fork the bishop

If Be2: Re2 by white

So, given that black can't save either his bishop or queen, black plays Bxc2 to take a pawn for the bishop, and the rest is pretty straightforward (after Bxc2, black doesn't HAVE to play Kg7, but I guess it's one of those moves where the side not benefiting from the tension just goes "ok fine go ahead and do your damage, I'm done with this annoying tension")

/r/chess Thread Link - i.redd.it