29 (M4F) Olympia, WA | Looking for relationship

Single/Taken/Complicated: Single

Seeking Relationship/Friends/Squish/Other: Relationship (LDR is fine)

Romantic Orientation: Asexual/Heteroromantic

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 29

Location: Lacey, WA (USA)

Height/Build: 6’5, 260lb

Physical Description: Tall, fat.

Personality Description: i have no clue, I see people post these abbreviations, but no clue what they mean and if you google personality test, basically all just scams.

My personality is like a cross between that sad robot from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and that snickering dog from the wacky races.

I’m unemployed, I mean I sell sports cards on eBay, so yea let’s just say I’m unemployed lol.

I hate food. I know that food is important to a lot of people, especially aces, but I fucking hate food.

I’m a fan of the Raiders (American football team) my favorite games would be Cyberpunk2077, Pokémon (mostly Pokémon Go, but I’m a fan of all things Pokémon)

I love comedies, anything with Will Ferrell, IASIP, South Park. I listen to a lot of Rock and Alternative music. Cannons, Gus Dapperton, Blink 182, Oliver Tree, 311, Foo Fighters, Linkin park to name a few.

I have a dog, she is the center of my universe and sole reason for my continued existence.

I’ve seen people say they are looking for someone who has their shit together, I absolutely do not.. my shit is loose and all over the place.

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