5 Years later: How do you feel about Bob's River Place now?

Incidents at Disneyland Resort

This is a summary of notable incidents that have taken place at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. While the California Department of Safety and Health (CDSH) has ruled that some guest-related incidents are Disney's fault, the majority of incidents were due to negligence on the guests' part.

The term incidents refers to major accidents, injuries, deaths, and similar significant occurrences. While these incidents are required to be reported to regulatory authorities for investigation, attraction-related incidents usually fall into one of the following categories:

Caused by negligence on the part of the guest. This can be refusal to follow specific ride safety instructions, or deliberate intent to violate park rules.

Amusement park accidents

Amusement park accidents refer to serious injuries or deaths that occur at amusement parks. Many such accidents are reported to regulatory authorities as usually required by law everywhere. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission tracks statistics for all amusement ride accidents. Accidents listed here are caused by one of the following:

Negligence on the part of the guest which may include intentional or unintentional violations of the park's safety policies

Negligence on the part of the park, either by ride operators or by ride safety inspections

Diagnosed or not diagnosed pre-existing medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart illness, and recent back or neck injuries

According to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), a trade association for permanent amusement park facilities, 290 million tickets were sold by US amusement parks in 2010.

Human interaction with cats: Effects on human health

Because of their small size, domesticated house cats pose little physical danger to adult humans. However, in the USA cats inflict about 400,000 bites per year. This number represents about one in ten of all animal bites. Many cat bites will become infected, sometimes with serious consequences such as cat-scratch disease, or, more rarely, rabies. Cats may also pose a danger to pregnant women and immunosuppressed individuals, since their feces can transmit toxoplasmosis.

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