7 reasons to migrate from Vuetify to Quasar Framework

Heavy Quasar user for two years here. I'm generally happy with the framework, but I don't think I would advise it anymore. Main drawbacks:

  • You need a plugin to use tailwind which is a very popular choice these days (and a perfect pair for Vue). The Quasar framework clashes with basic variables and they refuse to change it and make it easier (closing hastly github propositions and leaving people confused).
  • The framework is upgraded to Vue 3, but doesn't seem to be moving in any direction. Version 3, is identical to version 2 aesthetically and is lagging behind the other competitors (check Vuetify and Ionic Vue for example how they evolved). Eveidence of this is the new site itself which has some weird aesthetic choices.
  • The framework is mostly a one man job (an amazing dev from Romania), which sadly haven't yet found teammates to match his level IMO.
/r/vuejs Thread Link - medium.com