Elon Musk ridiculed for saying ‘almost anyone’ could afford $100k SpaceX ticket to Mars

That’s what being able to afford something means. The ability to pay an amount. Not that you can EASILY afford it, like you have 10 billion in liquid cash in your bank account, but you CAN afford it, as in Earth is dying and you want to be a pioneer of a new planet, and that’s accessible to 2/3 of America. I am not rich, but I could have that sum in less than five years without any insanely drastic lifestyle changes. If I needed it sooner, the bank has loaned me more in the past and I’ve paid it back.

Not to mention, if you’re moving to Mars, you could kinda, like… sell your car and your house? which are of no value on Mars? Assuming you aren’t Tommy McHomeless, who’s net worth arrives at a sum somehow lower than his credit score, you can afford it too.

/r/technews Thread Parent Link - independent.co.uk