Why all the deliberate instigation?

Don't take my word for it. You do not have to scroll down very far on most of the "discussion" posts to find someone who is being far less than polite, to put it as nicely as I can. It's not enough to respectfully disagree, many regular participants feel that they have to insult and humiliate those who don't see things their way, and the mods are happy to snooze through most of this as long as user participation is rolling along.

Reminds me of what happened to Jesus' "fans" once he left it pretty much up to them to carry the word (not that I am religious, just an apt analogy). Infighting and division and forgetting what it was all about to begin with.

I used to naively think/hope that all Beatles fans were cool, just as I used to think that all 420 people were cool. Experience has disabused of those notions.

/r/beatles Thread