AALaguna's discussion about PvP changes. This needs to get more attention

What's there to talk about? Oh wait. I think we all know where lies the problem, it's just that we, casual players don't speak out loudly enough and don't try to fight for our privileges. Ncsoft ceos and workers directly connected to giving out orders sit on their chairs and look and the money flow. Can't they see what is happening in the game if their jobs are to manage it? Impossible. Do they care? What can we do to change it? Speak up. And I don't mean bragging and complaining without any arguments and manners. I mean a proper response that will make some of them think about how bad they're making this game become. Pvp is a field where the lack of imprudence is visible. We can't hide from any problems in the arena. 1. Hacking is the major one. This is seriously one big joke for all fair players that just want to compete against another person and show their potential. What do we get instead? Flying summoners with speed hacks, kung fu masters playing with macro and destroyers omitting every cc like it's never happened etc etc. 2. Bots. Bots everywhere. 2/10 games with a normal player and the rest just bots using any means possible to get the win, including every damn hack they could implement. Winning against a bot is easy for you? Free beans? What are you saying, do you really have fun from playing against an empty shell spinning around with their axe for the whole match? Maybe for somebody it's not as easy, what then, will you call them noobs? Is that even sensible? 3. Arena is not unbalanced. Classes are mostly equal. Put in some work, practise playing against a class you have problems with and done. There aren't easier ones, everything is the same. The problem lies in players only. These days more and more players are going afk in the arena, because they stopped caring. Why? Most of them do that because of points 1 and 2. Some, because they want to get the dailies done and it's easier that way. It's not like we can change mindsets of players too stubborn and unwilling to understand that Pvp can be enjoyable as well. We can't, because of other problems that are making even these enjoying the arena leave it and never go back. What should we do to fight this? Take soul stones pouches out of the bean market? Stop paying Ncsoft for the shit job they're doing to help to solve the issue? Motivate players to speak out their minds and go for fairway instead of this useless 'uhuhu I won with you with my awesum mods uhuhu I'm the best'? Please help change our situation or else BnS eu/na will end up like Tera eu.

/r/bladeandsoul Thread Link - twitch.tv