About Reincarnation.

"That said, I look forward to the reformation of this type of shifting..." Yet again, I must point out that reincarnation has nothing to do with shifting, regardless of how similar it looks to the concept of respawning.

"...and a more appropriate term and outline of terminology to destigmatize the issue 'Reincarnation' brings about..." Again, the traditional concept of reincarnation does not need destigmatizing because it is merely a belief system of what happens when someone physically dies. Reincarnation is not an act, it is an event.

So, yes, much to my point, that was in your post. The erasure is in the line I had already mentioned. You're talking about reincarnation as if it is respawning. Where previously there was a line between the two, you erase that line, for whatever reason, to appease shifters who are confused by the difference? Because you are confused yourself?

There is much more to the definition of reincarnation, as well as respawning, and you do a disservice by pretending that definition equates the two.

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