absolutelynotme _irl

I've never been really disciplined about what I eat, but recently I've decided to train for something hard and I've been tracking everything I eat for the last 8 months on myfitnesspal. That's a chore. At least at first.

Slowly you start to filter out inefficient or bad tasting choices and it actually becomes really amazing. It's essentially on autopilot now and it takes a lot of the guess work out of eating. I click a few times and now I know exactly what to eat for the next two weeks and exactly what to buy to make it. It's very clinical and efficient but the end result is I get consistently delicious meals of exactly the right size that I know my body will thrive on.

I've lost 26 lbs this year while gaining muscle, and I'm stronger and faster than I've ever been before. I don't think I will ever go back to eating randomly again.

/r/absolutelynotme_irl Thread Link - i.redd.it