Adam Buckley's video on the new YouTube ad policy makes some great points

This entire situation seems to be full of people with super hard line stances who have absolutely no nuance. Its internet outrage in general that portrays everything in black and white but this one in particular has been extreme in that regard.

Its either YouTube is money grubbing nazi censors and fuck them or its YouTubers being super greedy and entitled as usual wanting money for doing nothing.

My least favorite part is that both sides have made good points but they then go onto make a whole bunch of unfounded claims riding off the one or two good points. Also insults, like this guy. Makes a good point and then degrades the shit out of DeFrancos fan base(making unfounded claims about there age and trashing on them based on that) and goes with the classic "YouTubers do not almost no work and make SOOO much money" tagline(and uses it make an unfounded claim that the only reason YouTubers are upset about this is because they're greedy).

Theres actually a really good article by Freddie Wong that expresses a similar point as this guy but with nuance while also not being a dick.

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