Why does it feel like nobody cares about autistic adults?

It really seems like people only care about autistic kids because want to coddle the "poor babies", like we were cute helpless kittens and not sentient beings just like them. They want to try to "fix" the kids so they can be like them as adults, because they don't think we can be successful or independent while being what we are. They aren't actually interested in our wellbeing or growth, as kids or as adults. They just want us to stop challenging their ideas of what people should be, and so they want to teach, scold, manipulate and even electric shock us to "normalcy".

Maybe that assessment isn't fair at all, but it sure seems like that to me.

I read scientific articles now and then, trying to filter out the ignorant "autistic people are empathy-lacking husks" comments even there, but the only resource I trust for most of my needs, questions and issues as an autistic person, is other autistic people.

/r/autism Thread