Admins removed 3 Top /r/The_Donald moderators including top moderator OhSnapYouGotServed. Subreddit goes private.

I used to hang out on the_donald and considered voting for Trump up till he chose Pence as his vp. I'm not a fan of Islam as a religion, I realize a not insignificant part of the non American Muslim community has some barbaric beliefs and practices. The steps he wanted to take to combat Islam, acting against American citizens in some cases are to far. Hugging and posing for photo ops with black people doesn't morally make up for his actions with the central park five or not renting to black tenants, or pushing the fucking birther movement for years when Obamas mother was an American, or the numerous accounts of Trump stiffing his contractors. I have two people in my life who've been successful in Manhattan real estate both of them think Trumps a slimy con artist. That proves nothing of course but it does give me another two sources to form my opinions from.

In the end your still supporting a man who wants to introduce more forms of torture, wants to spy on American Muslims, thinks global warming is a Chinese hoax, slashes the epa budget while dumping industrial waste into the water to try and destroy this country's natural beauty and turn it into some hot ass shithole

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