Gale, the newest member of TSM, claims that women can't and do not belong to compete at the pro level.

galeadelade was at one point the #1 ranked ana player in the world at like 4800+ SR. i HIGHLY doubt something this controversial would be allowed to happen. the team would never allow something like this much like the pro gamer who was racist on stream. wouldn't happen. especially someone as famous as gale and a team like tsm. pretty sure this is fake

that being said. what he said isn't far off. almost all the girl players in competitive gaming when it was popular and dominated by men were trans. starcraft 2 scene and league scene as well. men just have better motor skills when it comes to gaming. it wasn't until MAJORITY of the pro starcraft 2 players all left the scene due to backdoor shady deals etc that opened up more room for women. the whole sirens female only league thing was a joke. they were barely platinum players. the trans was a good zerg player and the trans was a good thresh player for team renegades.

just in this game alone how many solo queue girls have you seen at like at least master or above SR? and not playing mercy/ana/lucio? master SR isn't even that high. if we go as high as GM. pretty much non existent. off the top of my head i can only think of ONE top 500 mercy female player that is better than the pharah she duos with because she consistently whoops my ass in game even when shes not coupled with the pharah. the other 99/100 girls at this SR all have the same career profile. they are all in groups of 2 or more. all play support. and all of them are coupled with people with higher SR.

/r/Overwatch Thread