Advice Request - How to Remove Green Circle From Sun

Please. Again.

I wasn’t the one asking for advice. Yet you took it upon yourself to advise me, like you’re my lord and saviour? Thank you so much. Really, you shouldn’t have.

No, please, I insist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What you need to learn is the subtleties and nuances, of conversational English. I gather from your post history, that English is not your first language. Your style of English is very, very formal and structured.

If you refer to your original comment to me, I’m perplexed that you can’t see how it comes across as “giving orders”. That specifically, is what I take issue with.

Forgive me this one thing - I do not take “orders” from someone I don’t know, off of the internet/social media.

Again - in Western culture, in English - it’s considered bad etiquette to give advice to people, that have not asked for it. Your arrogance and sense of self entitlement is rather amusing, yet simultaneously not. You also refuse to see the error of your ways.

AND you have the audacity to accuse me of being rude, when it was you that overstepped the boundaries in the first instance.

If you care to scroll through my post history, you’ll see that I am familiar with masking techniques, and am not a complete n00b, like you assume me to be.

I gave the op advice, based on what I thought he/she could handle :)

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