[Alessandro Austini] Milan are ready to pounce on Dybala as Inter are not convinced anymore of bringing him with Lukaku close to join. He has become one of the Rossoneri’s targets in alternative to Zaniolo whom they informed Roma that they value for €35M+bonus at maximum

Me chill out? After someone who accused Inter of bad financial managment with no prove, no data, nothing? He joined the post, started blablatering a rant against Inter, cried because he was correctly downvoted, was so coward to delete his comment (something I really hate, I never deleted one of my comments, not even when I got 1.800 downvotes for 2 comments about Mason G. because you must TAKING RESPONSIBILITY of what you write, of the BULLSHITS you write and I think Elon Musk and reddit owners must ABOLISH the possibility to delete what you write).

I just showed everyone we're not spending too much for wages and now I'm the one who must shut up.. Okay, world's gone it seems..

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