do you think we'll ever get our rights back or are they just going to keep chipping away at them?

They will never just give them back.l at this point. Guns have become the scapegoat for derangement and evil. The left conflate the two because they are too blinded by their supposed trust in government. Doesn't matter who gets voted in at this point, the government has WAY more centralized power than was ever supposed to happen. And they fear how armed our populace is. Honestly this eventually will all come to a head. They will bark and bark about taking them away outright, but in reality they are afraid to do that all at once. They would rather have red flag laws that will turn neighbors against each other and continue to drive the wedge between everyone. All while slowly chipping away at the kinds of capabilities we are allowed. There will come a point where they cross a line, and that's when we either submit, take our rights back, or die trying.

The right to defend yourself is a basic human right.

It isn't necessarily afforded to people in other countries. And other countries aren't anywhere near as armed as the US is. Mainly because we are a relatively newer country and our territory expanded as firearms technology developed further and further. It's very much ingrained in our history for the civilian populace to be well armed in a way it isn't in most places in the world. We are much stronger than we realize.

/r/Firearms Thread