Alex Katz - any tips on what series to buy and how his prices have recently evolved post his guggenheim show

These are pretty dreadful to look at… with the exception of Hockney (lovely, fun, creative but arguably not fine) and Close (amazing, original, impressive). Close is entirely different and cannot be said to be the same style. Hockney is more similar but is really a different style of work as well. As far as timing goes, they may have been working at the same time but the truly figurative ones you mention we’re not being recognized to the level Katz was yet and that’s hardly “loads” of artists as you say. I’m talking about something very specific at a time I know well… I saw it unfold with my own eyes and was actually there.

Please don’t twist my words. I never said professionals and experts secretly hated Katz’s work (although some do have this this opinion). I basically said they strongly believe the art world lost its way at a certain time and promoted bad art. Please re-read.

If you have a stake in owning/selling Katz then we can expect your debate. That’s exactly what I’ve referred to elsewhere in this thread. Nevertheless, you’ve made a sweeping claim implying loads of figurative artists were recognized at the time Katz “arrived” and that’s simply not the reality of the art world then. They are now but not then.

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