How does Trial of Valor work?

Only the Heroic version is a guaranteed drop. The other variations are awarded differently. It's likely you'll also get the Heroic version if you clear her on Mythic before Heroic.

1. LFR set - Random drop from any boss from Trial of Valour on any difficulty. There are reports of people looting this set from bosses on Normal & Heroic.

2. Normal set - Upon your first clear of Trial of Valour, Odyn will offer you a quest to collect 1000 valajar soul fragments from Guarm and Helya on subsequent clears. Completing the quest awards the normal set.

3. Heroic set - Guaranteed drop off Heroic & Mythic Helya.

3. Mythic set - Awarded from "The Chosen" achievement.

What seems to have happened is that you received the heroic version, and then picked up the quest for the normal version,

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