Am I shadowbanned?

Whether we got 100M or 1M+, I think it's important to remember to thank those who helped us get here. Valve wasn't even expecting people to reach 1 million. There's a lot of hate surrounding the mods about the "Elite Group" or Trouvist(for all we know he could be acting as the hate magnet/secret good guy, he also contributed quite a bit to the game), and I think it isn't quite fair to see them get so much hate for organising this group event and helping to set new records while breaking new ones every day(until 100M).

IMO, I think them making the Elite Group was so that the organisers/coders/scripters would be allowed to get into record breaking rooms and be sort of "rewarded" for their efforts in helping us reach new heights, which isn't wrong at all, and also to break records.(Remember, it's an opinion, not fact. Feel free to post your own opinions about it but be mindful of your language).

It's understandable that if you got angry due to the elite group or miscommunication that the mods have(they're only human, so are you and I, we all make mistakes, like A LOT of mistakes), but remember that without anyone of the people in the mod or coder teams, we would be nothing and probably would have never gotten close to 1 million, or even 100k. They could’ve easily just made an elite group with 1.5k people in it and have exclusive badges all to themselves. You can still be pissed, but you still gotta thank them, y’know.

What I’m trying to say, is that we should all thank everyone in charge, the mods, the coders (including Trouvist) for working tirelessly, constantly trying to improve the game/script, contributing to our community, and whoever that has taken all the shit and hate from us and allowing us to bond together and work together to accomplish our goals in the face of challenges like trolls and such. After all, the real prize we earn from all of this isn't the badge or the victory(whether you got to 100M or not), but meeting friends throughout the journey.

I hope steam allows us to work together again with such camaraderie in the next event they have planned. Again, thank you to the mods, coders and basically everyone who contributed to the game/cause, no matter what faction you were in(MGS, YOWH, Wormhole Rushers, etc.). Everyone is important in their own way of how they contributed to the game. Just remember that all that matters is that we had fun(not always), and met some good people along the way. Thank you all for participating and see you in the next event!

P.S. I’m not exactly trying to defend the mods, nor am I a mod, but I think the hate they got was pretty excessive and maybe even uncalled for. They’re human, just like us. Before you insult them or send a hate message(applies to everyone you meet online), remember that behind the screen/monitor there is actually someone who is reading this and please consider that person’s feelings. Also avoid witch hunting, even for trolls.

/r/ShadowBan Thread