Am I?

Hi /u/60thFrame, you're not shadowbanned, but some of your comments/submissions were removed. Note that comments/submissions can be removed automatically by spam filters and may not have been removed by human moderators.

Reviewed most recent 100 comments/submissions. Found 2 removed.

Comment in /r/Turkey on 2018-06-26 16:42 under "A question about Turks from an outsiders perspective." (1 pts):

There are a lot of aspects of why people choose Erdogan. But, there are three main aspects: Religion, Media and Development. Religion is obvious, Erdogan makes people think he does all this for Islam ...

Comment in /r/pcmasterrace on 2018-02-18 20:35 under "What should I buy for portable gaming?" (1 pts):

Then, you could step it up by an AMD A12, or you can get a 5th gen Intel laptop with no GPU. Here is my recommendation:

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/r/ShadowBan Thread