Is Angular Universal worth it for my use case?

Don’t have anything to add, but I do have a more general comment. As someone who is now using angular daily, it does concern me that maybe I’ve put my eggs in the wrong basket. The angular community JUST got a SSG and it’s in alpha, universal has two comments so far in this thread, one praising it, one saying don’t bother with it. It even appears OP is now leaning towards using a tool like rendertron instead of something built in the angular ecosystem.

Mean while, react has consistently led the pack, and vue is never far behind.

Honestly, if Angular wasn’t backed by google I’d be very hesitant to use it. It’s always coming up last in features, and some of the tools and methodologies(DI and Reactive programming) are seldom used anywhere else in the front end space.

Am I the only one getting nervous?

/r/Angular2 Thread