Anon has a valid point

I know this comment is super risky, but in the name of free speech I ask that it be allowed to remain to be judged by upvotes and downvotes, and not any higher power other than that of the people viewing this comment, and holding the power to upvote or downvote it.

I sometimes use "unreddit", a java-script/website that shows deleted comments here on reddit. During the election, a massive amount of comments were deleted all over reddit regarding politics. We all know how bad it can get. Hell, there's even a sub, r/[redacted] that can't be spoken of here. I personally have had multiple accounts banned from reddit due to sharing unwanted wikileaks information.

Let us not delete comments that encourage free thought. Spread the use of "unreddit" to see the nature of different subs, and to see the nature that for freedom of speech to exist, no man aught to have control over another man's freedom of speech, for even in the best of hands, that control is often abused. Good luck, and God bless, pedes and other lovers of freedom!

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -