Anti abortion protests this week

There is definitely a concerted effort to take any humanity out of the equation. "It's just a procedure, it's not a life, it's not human." All incorrect. They say "it's not a person" but that is some BS edgy Philosophy 101 construct.

Just because it hasn't been born yet doesn't mean it isn't experiencing things. Doesn't mean it isn't a human being. It might be the closest to Plato's Cave a person will ever be but that doesn't mean they're not a person.

Kind of weird to think about, for both mothers and wish-they-were-never-mothers alike, but babies actually cry in the womb. They get the hiccups. They roll around to get comfortable. To say they're not people and don't have a right to live is pure ignorance when not simply an evil lie.

/r/ColumbusGA Thread Parent