Any insight into why this deck went 2 wins?

Right now, 3 drops are super important. If your opponent plays a 3/4 and you play a 3/3, your opponent not only kills your guy for free, but also now threatens with a 3/1. Good 4 drops and 2 drops can help mitigate this, but you have 0 two drops a one good 4 drop on curve. I'd focus on putting less random draw like acoltye or battle rage, and more good early cards. Any 3 3/4, any good two drop, and any good four drop.

Beyond that, you have some lategame but only one threat, the rest is taunts and half of them can't attack much, especially not when you have 5 weapons no armor gain and not strong early game.

In general, control doesn't work much as a style in arena. People are drafting midrange style decks, and without a good wincon (which is very unlikely in arena with no DKs), it's very hard for a control deck to beat a deck that just keeps playing minions. I'd always try to draft more aggresively, taking removal for tempo but not building your deck around that premise.

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