Any Latin enthusiasts with ADHD here ?

  1. Engage hyper-focus. By any means necessary. For me, that means either reading while pacing and gesticulating (pretending to recite in front of an audience), or reading while listening to fast, repetitive music really loud, as weird as that sounds. But getting hyper-focus “turned on” will require you to figure out where that button is and how to press it (hyper-focus is the first ADD superpower).

  2. Use Latin study as a means to procrastinate what you’re really “supposed” to be workin’ on right now. Sorry honey, I would do the dishes and take out the trash, but I have to study Latin RIGHT NOW (directed procrastination - the second ADD superpower).

  3. Keep the novelty up at all times, to keep your dopamine-starved brain engaged. How? Rotate in and out of two or three sets of books, videos, and resources as they get “boring.” i.e., if you just can’t stand to look at LLPSI right now, because ugh, then don’t. As an autodidact, you don’t have to plod through the same material every single day to meet someone else’s deadlines! So, instead, today, you drill Anki cards, or read something on Legentibus, or copy down stuff from Conversational Latin, or try to memorize the adverbial numbers, or re-watch that one Ranieri video to see if you can finally get that whole “retracted s” thing figured out. Then, circle back to LLPSI in a day or two when it fees “fresh” again. Moving water stays fresh, whereas still water stagnates. Novelty keeps the water moving at all times. Rotating is a way to keep the novelty up, without getting pulled off-topic altogether (intentional, rotational novelty - the third ADD superpower).

/r/latin Thread