Any people who are cis, yet also salmacian or seeking such care.

Yeah that is not a thing here. Here you need to be assessed by two seperate mental health professionals to confirm you are dysphoric and to proceed with the informed consent part of things, make sure you are of sound mind and capable of taking that decision, know the risks, etc. Your dysphoria needs to have been documented long term and you need to have been on HRT for at least 12 months and have been actively involved in your transition beforehand (ie: bottom surgery cannot be the first step of your transition). I'd question the ethics & morals of a doctor ready to perform major surgery without medical reason (insurance or not).

Cis people are not comfortable with the idea of having a scalpel taken to their genitals, do not feel the desire or pull to undergo immensely complex surgery with painful recovery to drastically change said genitals. That desire is bottom dysphoria.

That said, dysphoria also exists outside of diagnosis. It can be experienced even if it isnt written on paper....gender diversity was not spawned with surgical intervention, trans folks have existed since way before that was even an option. Even in places where medical transition does exist, not everyone has access to it, and that does not mean they stop being trans.

As for the other comment, having dysphoria does not make someone lesser and I am sorry you view trans women and/or yourself that way. I hope you find your healing by spending more time in queer & trans spaces. I do wish you well.

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