These are the words of a man about to commit suicide.

I'd like to know if anyone actually pulled him aside and gave him the calm version of why we dislike what he said. It's just objectively wrong. He claimed the US is a very racist country, which is only true if you think there are no other countries. The US is literally spearheading the entire anti-racism movement in the modern era, whereas most other countries legislate anti-speech laws to prevent people from speaking their minds and "inciting" terrorism (England, France). This is one of a few countries where Jews and black people can actually live without rampant harrassment. They throw banana peels at black soccer players in many nations. Most countries are homogeneous populations with rampant xenophobia and nationalistic sentiment, his own Egypt especially.

He pretended what Ant said was any worse than what Ant has always said and pretended his black friends were outraged by it. He ignored the context of an already wired guy being pushed over the edge by physicality which he did not respond to physically. He acts like a bitch when a guy is scrambling to set up a new source of income and literally create a job to replace one that paid him a million dollars a year. He first openly talks about this on a podcast with a guy he barely knows and was basically talkeng to at length for the first time, attacking the mutual friend who was the one reason he was on that show to begin with.

Overall just a bad show from Joe DeRosa. I want to like the guy honestly, I don't think he's unfunny like the rest of you. I've heard him say funny things. I also have heard him be snide, pseudo-intellectual, elitist, pretend Andy Kindler is some incredible genius, pretend Ant carries a scepter which he waves while talking about police treatment of blacks, and just generally isolate himself. I don't know why he would come out so strongly against his friend. Now any turn of face will look like he's clutching for a lifeline.

/r/opieandanthony Thread Link -