Anyone have any update on EVMOS?

Every epoch staking reward is ~328767 evmos.

One or a few people claimed and staked 1340 evmos on the first day before there was any ui.

One address staked 312 and received 76545 evmos reward.

source tweet:

With the complications of ibc transactions and otc trades, probably the network will have to eat these initial costs.

Going forward, new chains need to adopt something like staggered inflation.

The first 10 or 21 days the epoch reward starts at 10% progressively getting to its normal 100% rate in that timeframe.

Or for those first few days, staked coins can earn no more than 1-3x the staked amount.

These future chains should also have some form of liquid staking as part of initial design (like crescenthub and quicksilver).

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