Has anyone dated this evil woman from ST Vital?

This is about 41 year old 300 plus pound Maeghan Gauthier. This evil NPD split personality woman serial cheated the entire time we were together. Verbally and physically abused me. She's full of STDs. She's addicted to coke, fentanyl, heroin, percocets, meth, methadone, opiates, alcohol and cheating. My time with her was like the movie Misery. I'm lucky to be alive and away. Her abuse is the type that hits home after the breakup. You go through the healing process and start learning about what actually was happening. When you find out you were being cheated on and abused for their own satisfaction it's devastating. I'd like to know how many other men have experienced this from her if you're in the Winnipeg, Ontario, SK, AB and BC area. She has quite the lengthy track record that should have its own log book. These people are dead inside and feel absolutely nothing. No joy or pain especially the pain they inflict on others. The only thing they can feel is whatever drug they take that day. I'm not perfect but my fuck I'm not the abusive monster they make you out to be. Its to protect themselves to play the victim role for their jump into the next relationship. They make sure the people close to you know how abusive you are well in advance. They make you pay for absolutely everything. You never see their finances. They keep their phones locked. You don't get mentioned in any way on their social media. Nothing. If you're with her as a bf she's cheating on you 100%. If you're someone's that's just fucked her please go get tested and 100% she has someone in place as the boyfriend. She's never skipped a beat between partners. They need their false egos always full and always stroked. Her fake affection is so cold and dead.

/r/Winnipeghookup Thread