anyone ever use a bubble wand as a dildo?

you have a great ass can’t lie HOWEVER please be really careful using stuff like bubble wands as dildos; often injection moulded plastic can end up with small but sharp seams and are sometimes made of porous plastic, so it can be a bit dangerous fucking yourself with them (using a condom over it can improve the safety situation). also, when using bubble wands make sure you rinse it really good to get any alkaline solution off. if bubble mixture hurts in your eye, it’s not gonna do good up your butt. finally, make sure you have some way of stopping it from going all the way up there (well tied rope is alright, flared base would be ideal). everyone thinks it’ll be fine until they have a cucumber rubbing against their insides for 36 hours and a medical bill longer than a CVS Pharmacy receipt.

anyway, your butt looks GREAT especially while you’re taking a big rod jammed deep inbetween those cheeks like the champ you are, but make sure you always fuck your butthole with caution. :)

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