What do you think of the parents that kick their kids out as soon as they have turned 18 years old?

I guess it depends on the situation at home but in general we should really normalize living at home into adulthood in America. As long as you’re being productive in school or have a job. As a millennial buying/owning a home on a single income is nearly impossible where I live but all it would take is one year or even less at my parents house to save my salary the entire time and boom, can instantly buy a house or do whatever else I’d want to do with it. A coworker of mine lived at home til he was 28 working and saving an entire decade and he’s basically comfortable for life now. Seems like that should be more normalized considering it would go a long way in ensuring your kids future/financial security. Obviously people have reasons they could or couldn’t do that, but, just sayin.

/r/AskReddit Thread