‘Dilbert’ Cartoon Dropped From Many News Outlets Over Creator Scott Adams’ Racial Remarks

So my first objection here is that I don't think there are that many people who are up to date on 4chan memes. It's Okay to Be White has about 300k views on Know Your Meme, compared to 1.5 million views for the Cinnamon Challenge, which I didn't even know was a thing. Even granted that black people are probably more aware of racism than white people, I doubt that 20% of them can identify the origins of the meme or explain why its problematic.

But the bigger issue is that any thing vaguely pro-white is eventually going to be used by white supremacists, the same way anything vaguely pro-Palestine is going to be coopted by Muslim extremists. And you'll note that although I've had many people explain to me why my post is problematic, nobody has provided an alternative way to express non-hatred of white people.

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