Ask SCA, Week of March 28th, 2016 // NEED HELP? Got a question? Wondering what that bump is? Problems with a routine or product? This thread’s the place to ask!

Issue : my skin was REALLY dry after OCM last time I did it and I think my sunscreen (Bioderma Photoderm) is the culprit. I'm desperate for a sunscreen (to get rid of PIH) with 1- NO sunscreen smell (it can smell - just not sunscreen) 2 - NO white cast (I'm NW45 - even minimal white cast will show...BUT If it's a must I'll hide it with a mousse foundation) 3 - NO alcohol (except ceteryl alcohol etc...just not anything that feels like denat alcohol) 4 - available in Canada (no online shopping - sorry I can't for cosmetics)

Skin : combination / acne-prone / sensitive / PIH

Routine :

AM : wash with aveeno soap, sunscreen, makeup

PM : OCM with jojoba oil, wash with aveeno soap, rosehip seed oil + shea butter

Current routine : I've been using the aveeno soap and shea butter for some time now. I used rosehip seed oil on and off in the past, but since I started the shea butter it seems to go well together. Before using the Bioderma sunscreen I would use an aveeno moisturizer or shea butter instead (I thought Bioderma could moisturize okay...oops).

Anything new : The jojoba oil is recent, maybe 2 weeks, I didn't like it for moisturizing so I started using it as OCM and it looks OK so far. I used the sunscreen 3 days, 4 times (twice the last time I used it). I noticed my skin was a bit dry when I saw how my makeup seemed to go into "weird places" like tiny tiny creases. I suspected the foundation first (a mousse by Maybelline) but it didn't seem right...then I washed my face with OCM and I made the connection with the sunscreen because it reminded me of when I had a similar reaction while using a Vichy sunscreen (except my makeup litteraly "melted" and I felt like I was "burning").

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread