Is anyone Not Worried about the Apparent P2W situation of GAM?

Considering what it is I don’t think it’s terrible per ce. The assault rifle is the best weapon next to maybe the flamethrower (if it works the same in base game that is) and mg but that’s a stretch. You can still use helicopters which is nice, and best of all you can still grab the guns the other classes have, with maybe the exception of flamer, as I don’t know if it’s like base game or not.

Yeah sure sniping is fun but the real meat and bones is helos and battles on and around the point. While it still sort of eh it’s better than having the entire dlc locked behind a paywall.

Regardless I still get the complaints about it being pay to win as at the end of the day they limit your fun organically unless you go poking around for weapons

/r/rs2vietnam Thread