Anyone Have Some Interesting or Weird Things that Happened to them in Adopt Me?

Here’s an interesting story, I think!!!

I was minding my own business when this girl comes up to me and trades me, so I say okay and accept her trade and I put in my NFR swan, because that’s what I had out at the time.

The girl then puts in four golden apples from the hospital and tells me to add. Now you see, back then I looked like a noob so she thought I wouldn’t know, and would think they are really cool rare items. But I am smart but played along at the start, adding my neon koala, neon bee and neon drake. She accepts the trade and then I waddle off feeling pleased. She chases after me screaming “I’m overpaying, you who I’ve accepted I was giving you a good deal.” I shrugged and said oh well.

/r/AdoptMeTrading Thread