So the stupidest thing just happened

there are many autistic or retarded people playing adopt me. I saw this retard say something like "FR PARROT FOR YOUR NFR FROST! BIG WIN U MUCT ACCEPT!" and i was like hell no how in the world is my NFR Frost only a parrot and that dude starts insulting me saying stuff like "son of a b*itch, you are so retarded lol" and walks away. Why cant people know values??? sigh*.

And also many people dont know a crap about values! I have seen this girl say something like " OMG I FINALLY GOT THE BEST PET IN THE GAME!" My first instinct: OMG this girl has a shadow, finally found a rich server! So i asked if i could offer. She was like "NO U IDIOT WHY WOULD I TRADE THE BEST PET IN THE GAME?!" so she rides that pet and when i saw it i almost spat out all the enzymes in my stomach. it was a unicorn...

/r/AdoptMeTrading Thread