Has Anyone's Flight Anxiety Actually Gotten Better?

Yes. Mine has.

I used to be a nine or ten on a fear scale - sick for weeks before with fear, sleepless, stomach problems, shaking and crying. Getting to the airport was an ordeal, getting on the plane required drugs and more tears. In the air, clutching the arm rests for dear life, landing and swearing id never do it again.

Now I’m like a six or seven. Nervous the day before, anxious morning of, but able to take a few breaths and go. Get to the airport and don’t really get full on nerves til the gate. Get on the plane, still scared, take my medication, then onto take off which I hate but also know is the scariest part for me. I count and breathe for five to ten minutes; I have a timer, it helps a lot. Climb finishes, I exhale, and I’m pretty much ok the rest of the flight.

I have a CBT therapist who specializes in phobias and a script for benz0s I take in small doses if I need (and I am trying not to). I’ve been in therapy for this for years but to be fair I flew in January 2022 after not flying since 2019 due to the pandemic. I expect I would be feeling much further along if I was able to fly and Covid hadn’t happened.

/r/fearofflying Thread