Apartment with no breed restrictions?

I don’t understand people who have a dangerous breed of dog who insist on living in an apartment. Why don’t you rent a house so you don’t put anyone else (or their dogs) at risk?

I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this, but the apartments I’m living in now changed management companies after I moved in. The new company has no breed restrictions. There are so many dangerous breeds living here- pit bulls, a chow, a fucking CANE CORSO for god’s sake- and I’m terrified to walk my small dogs because the owners never have complete control of their dogs. The dude with the Cane Corso let’s his dog off leash. Those dogs aren’t appropriate for apartment living, and I honestly feel bad for the dogs.

Apartment dwellers should have little dogs. If you want a big dog, get a house.

/r/askdfw Thread