(Spoilers Extended) A List Longer Than Arya's

Here's my own list! (Accompanying quotes and context can be found on my website at http://danielmoore.us/asoiaf#named-character-deaths)

In narrative order, including characters who died in the past and are mentioned in context of their deaths -

  1. Waymar Royce
  2. Will
  3. Gared
  4. Aerys Targaryen
  5. Rhaella Targaryen
  6. Willem Darry
  7. Rickard Stark and Brandon Stark
  8. Lyanna Stark
  9. Rhaegar Targaryen
  10. Jon Arryn
  11. Daeron Targaryen
  12. Erryk and Arryk
  13. Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar
  14. Mern Gardener
  15. Lady
  16. Mycah
  17. Elia Martell
  18. Hugh of the Vale
  19. Jyck, Kurleket, and Mhor
  20. Chiggen
  21. Wyl, Heward, and Jory Cassel
  22. Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, Ethan Glover, Mark Ryswell, Willam Dustin, Arthur Dayne, Oswell Whent, and Gerold Hightower
  23. Tregar
  24. Alyssa Arryn
  25. Vardis Egen
  26. Ashara Dayne
  27. Viserys Targaryen
  28. Robert Baratheon
  29. Fat Tom, Varly, and Cayn
  30. Syrio Forel
  31. Hullen and Desmond
  32. Othor and Jafer Flowers
  33. Masha Heddle
  34. Jaremy Rykker
  35. Rhaenys Targaryen
  36. Harren the Black
  37. Khal Ogo and Khal Fogo
  38. Halys Hornwood
  39. Torrhen Karstark, Eddard Karstark, and Daryn Hornwood
  40. Qotho, Quaro, Haggo, and Cohollo
  41. Ulf son of Umar and Conn son of Coratt
  42. Eddard Stark
  43. Jon Stark, Rickard Stark, Theon Stark, Brandon the Shipwright, Brandon the Burner, Rodrik Stark, Torrhen Stark, and Cregan Stark
  44. Septa Mordane
  45. Eroeh
  46. Rhaego and Drogo
  47. Andros Brax
  48. Mirri Maz Duur
  49. Steffon Baratheon and Cassana Estermont
  50. Maester Cressen
  51. Baelor “Breakspear” Targaryen, Valarr Targaryen, Matarys Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen the Second, Aerys Targaryen the First, Maekar Targaryen, Daeron Targaryen the Third, Aerion “the Monstrous” Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen the Fifth, and Jaeharys Targaryen the Second
  52. Barra
  53. Allar Deem
  54. Nissa Nissa
  55. Rodrik Greyjoy and Maron Greyjoy
  56. Doreah
  57. Woth, Dobber, Qyle, and Yoren
  58. Lommy
  59. Chiswyck
  60. Stafford Lannister and Rubert Brax
  61. Gawen Wylde
  62. Renly Baratheon
  63. Stevron Frey
  64. Donella Hornwood
  65. Benfred Tallhart
  66. Todric
  67. Weese
  68. Poul Pemford and Myles
  69. Preston Greenfield, Aron Santagar, and the High Septon
  70. Cortnay Penrose
  71. Alfyn Crowkiller
  72. Leo Lefford
  73. Alebelly
  74. Mikken
  75. Amory Lorch
  76. Septon Chayle
  77. Orell
  78. Bael the Bard
  79. Gelmarr the Grim, Aggar, and Gynir Rednose
  80. Farlen
  81. Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce, and Elbert Arryn
  82. Tothmure, Lucan, and Goodwife Harra
  83. Leobald Tallhart, Cley Cerwyn, and Rodrik Cassel
  84. Reek
  85. Red Rolfe, Kenned, and Ulf
  86. Squire Dalbridge
  87. Mandon Moore
  88. Guyard “the Green” Morrigen
  89. Bryce Caron, Bryan Fossoway, and Edwyd Fossoway
  90. Florent Bastard
  91. Ebben
  92. Qhorin Halfhand
  93. Edwyle Stark, Willam Stark, Artos “the Implacable” Stark, Donnor Stark, Beron Stark, Rodwell Stark, and Barth Stark
  94. Edwyn “the Spring King” Stark, Jorah Stark, Jonos Stark, Brandon “the Bad” Stark, Walton “the Moon King” Stark, Edderion “the Bridegroom” Stark, Eyron Stark, Benjen “the Sweet” Stark, Benjen “the Bitter” Stark, and Edrick “Snowbeard” Stark
  95. Poxy Tym, Smiler, and Black Lorren
  96. Maester Luwin
  97. Jacelyn Bywater
  98. Joanna Lannister
  99. Dale, Allard, Matthos, and Maric Seaworth
  100. Luthor Tyrell
  101. Temmo
  102. Thoren Smallwood
  103. Small Paul
  104. Helman Tallhart
  105. The Reynes of Castameres and the Tarbecks of Tarbeck Hall
  106. Tion Frey and Willem Lannister
  107. Rickard Karstark
  108. Cleos Frey
  109. Imry Florent, Monford Velaryon, and Guncer Sunglass
  110. Gorne
  111. Kraznys mo Nakloz and Grazdan
  112. Myles Mooton
  113. Jarl
  114. Symon Silver Tongue
  115. Bannen
  116. Craster and Jeor Mormont
  117. Hoster Tully
  118. Chelsted, Rossart, Belis, and Garigus
  119. Edgar Yronwood
  120. Prendahl na Ghezn and Sallor The Bald
  121. The Bear at Harrenhal
  122. Tristifer Mudd the Fourth and Tristifer Mudd the Fifth
  123. Maelys the Monstrous
  124. Lark the Sisterman, Softfoot, Ryles, and Chett
  125. Robin Flint, Wendel Manderly, Lucas Blackwood, Donnel Locke, Owen Norrey, Dacey Mormont, and Smalljon Umber
  126. Robb Stark, Aegon “Jinglebell” Frey, and Catelyn Stark
  127. Lewyn Martell
  128. Roro “The Blind Bastard” Uhoris
  129. Deaf Dick Follard
  130. Rast, Young Henly, Old Henly, Easy
  131. Styr
  132. Quort and Ygritte
  133. The Seventy-Nine Sentinels
  134. The Night’s King
  135. Oznak zo Pahl
  136. Mero “The Titan’s Bastard”
  137. Joffrey Baratheon
  138. Dontos Hollard
  139. Vargo Hoat
  140. Donal Noye, Spotted Pate, and Mag the Mighty
  141. Robar Royce and Emmon Cuy
  142. Red Alyn of the Rosewood
  143. Lyonel Tyrell
  144. Lormelle Long Lance, Cedrik Storm, and Simon Toyne
  145. The Smiling Knight, Jonothor Darry, and Sumner Crakehall
  146. Oberyn “The Red Viper” Martell
  147. Harma Dogshead
  148. Polliver and the Tickler
  149. Dalla
  150. Shae
  151. Tywin Lannister
  152. Eon Hunter
  153. Lysa Arryn
  154. Petyr “Pimple” Frey
  155. Garse Goodbrook, Tytos Frey, and Grey Wind
  156. Merrett Frey
  157. Pate
  158. Balon Greyjoy
  159. Urrigon Greyjoy and Quellon Greyjoy
  160. Herbert Bolling
  161. Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane
  162. Quenton Hightower
  163. Gwayne Gaunt, Denys Darklyn, Serala Darklyn, Jon Hollard, Robin Hollard, Symon Hollard, and Steffon Hollard
  164. Marillion
  165. Harren Botley and Sawane Botley
  166. The Three Leaves, Alester, and Olyvar the Green Oak
  167. Terrence Toyne and Aemon the Dragonknight
  168. Viserys Targaryen the First
  169. Lorimer the Belly and Cedric Payne
  170. Ben Bushy, Richard Farrow, and Will the Stork
  171. Rolland Darklyn
  172. The Sparrow Dwarf
  173. The High Septon
  174. Nagga and the Grey King
  175. Cragorn
  176. Nimble Dick Crabb
  177. Pyg, Timeon, and Shagwell
  178. Garin the Great
  179. Arys Oakheart
  180. Willam, Owen, and Jon Pox
  181. Talbert Serry
  182. Baelor Blacktyde
  183. The Hound
  184. Humfrey Hewett and Moribald Chester
  185. Balman Stokeworth and Falyse Stokeworth
  186. Maegor the Cruel
  187. Dareon
  188. Maester Aemon
  189. Melara Hetherspoon
  190. Rorge and Ser Goodwin
  191. Biter
  192. Gyles Rosby
  193. Ronnel Arryn, Alys Arryn, Jasper Arryn, and Denys Arryn
  194. Beric Dondarrion
  195. Ryman Frey
  196. Haggon
  197. Orell (Second Life)
  198. Bump
  199. Varamyr Sixskins and Thistle
  200. Ordello
  201. Stalwart Shield
  202. Hazzea
  203. Ollo Lophand
  204. Daemon Blackfyre
  205. Serra
  206. Maester Kedry, Willam Wells, and Cletus Yronwood
  207. Raymun Redbeard and Willam Stark
  208. Manly Stokeworth and Janos Slynt
  209. Urrax and Byron Swann
  210. Alester Florent
  211. Joramun and Rattleshirt
  212. Black Fist, Cetherys, Mossador, Duran, Eladon Goldenhair, Loyal Spear, and Rylona Rhee
  213. Kyra
  214. Ralf Kenning
  215. Dagon Codd and Adrack Humble
  216. Jarmen Buckwell
  217. Horonno
  218. Cleon and Cleon the Second
  219. Myles “Blackheart” Toyne
  220. The Green Grace of Astapor, King Cutthroat, and Queen Whore
  221. Urragon Goodbrother
  222. Hagen, Rolfe the Dwarf, Lorren Longaxe, and Quenton Greyjoy
  223. Vogarro
  224. Oppo “Groat”
  225. Black Jack Bulwer, Hairy Hal, and Garth Greyfeather
  226. Rhaegar Frey, Jared Frey, and Symond Frey
  227. Domeric Bolton
  228. Harwood Fell
  229. Yellow Dick
  230. Little Walder Frey and Luton
  231. Frenya and Holly
  232. Barsena Blackhair
  233. Harghaz
  234. Dormund and Torwynd
  235. Hamish the Harper
  236. Nurse
  237. Groleo and Yurkhaz zo Yunzak
  238. Bryen Farring
  239. The Abused Girl
  240. Crunch
  241. Kennet
  242. Yezzan zo Qaggaz
  243. Maester Kerwin
  244. Cromm
  245. The Insurer
  246. Khrazz
  247. Quentyn Martell
  248. Patrek of King’s Mountain and Jon Snow
  249. Tytos Lannister
  250. Grand Maester Pycelle and Kevan Lannister
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